About Us

GymCats Mission

Our mission is to provide a positive environment in which we can impact the lives of children and adults through the sport of gymnastics.  We hope to equip them with the tools to be successful; not only in gymnastics, but in their personal lives. We strive to imitate the life of Jesus and help everyone who comes through our doors to understand their value and worth in Christ. 

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is that every child, regardless of ability, deserves the best instruction possible.  We are dedicated to quality and integrity in all aspects of our program.  We strive to provide a safe, loving and supportive atmosphere in which each child knows he or she is valued, by us and by Jesus.  We also strive to provide an environment that cultivates confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, responsibility, and good sportsmanship.  We encourage and promote values common to the sport- physical fitness, strength, flexibility and coordination, along with personal achievement.  We believe a student’s life and character can be improved through the challenges and successes they find in themselves through our programs.  Our goal is to help your child set and meet goals in a positive learning environment.


Our History

Coming Soon

Meet the Owners

New Photo coming soon…

Have gymnastics experience and want to work with a great group of people?